Craft Breweries Expanding to L.A.

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Breweries from cities like Kansas City, San Francisco, and Seattle are expanding distribution in L.A.

Craft breweries are expanding to your favorite L.A. watering holes, so expect to see different tap handles in the coming weeks. Here is a quick round-the-horn of what is coming (and what is already here).

21st Amendment from San Francisco recently brought their San Leandro brewing facility online which means that we in L.A. will be a beneficiary. Not only the Watermelon Wheat that I spoke of last week, but cans of their hoppy offerings will be appearing in Los Angeles, San Diego and the Central Coast. Events celebrating the launch will follow in mid-June.

Nitro taps of of Left Hand Brewing‘s Milk Stout have been popping up and then disappearing rather quickly once found. Starting June 8, both the Nitro series and the perennial line-up will be available here. Look for Sawtooth Ale, 400 Pound Monkey IPA, Black Jack Porter, Polestar Pilsner and the new Introvert IPA.

Boulevard Brewing has been dabbling in SoCal with beers from their Smokestack Series since they first came to L.A. in 2012. Now they are making another push with more beers from their Kansas City portfolio for us to sample.

If you can look beyond the ABInBev overlords, Elysian Brewing beers from Seattle are popping up in greater number around town as well. Look forward to trying a pumpkin peach beer.

Anchor Brewing Liberty Ale is a seminal beer in California history and also the nation. Now it is in cans! Anchor Brewing has been rolling out cans of various beers like Brotherhood Steam and Summer Wheat and now for the 40th anniversary the first dry-hopped beer is added to the list. I suggest getting a can of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and a can of Liberty and tasting the two most influential beers of California.

The Homework for the week is to get cheesy. King Harbor Brewing teams up with Kerrygold for a beer and cheese event. Cheese and beer make such a delicious combo and the opportunity to pair the two are infrequent so head down to Redondo Beach / Torrance on Friday, May 29 between 5-9 pm. No tickets required.

Below are the possible pairings:
• Sweet Cheddar paired with Storm’s a Brewin’
• Gouda paired with California Saison
• Dubliner with Stout paired with IPA
• Aged Cheddar with Whiskey paired with Swirly
*Beer pairing is subject to change

Find more of Sean Inman’s writing on his blog, Beer Search Party.


Sean Inman

Find more of Sean Inman’s writing on his blog, Beer Search Party.

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