In the new movie, “Chef,” Jon Favreau plays Carl Casper, a Los Angeles chef who agrees with his restaurant’s owner to “play the hits” for an influential critic, resulting in a horrible review, a...
What’s next for Los Angeles? We asked five successful L.A. chefs Who’s the chef who’s worked for you either now or in the past who you believe is destined for greatness, and why? Their...
Rivera chef-owner John Rivera Sedlar celebrated the ascension of Pope Francis, the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, at his downtown Los Angeles restaurant. As Sedlar said, “As a Latino, having a...
On June 16, Firestone Walker Brewing Company & Food GPS present a special Father’s Day “CollaBREWtive” Brunch featuring 6 stations showcasing brewery and coffee roaster duos, plus several of L.A.’s most talented chefs helming...
Do you remember the days when ceviche was confined to seafood in Los Angeles? Me neither. I was lucky enough to have a front row seat for ceviche variations featuring beef and duck at...
On June 21, Playa invited media types to climb a pair of ladders…after drinking seasonal cocktails. It was a tricky proposition, but led to a unique garden, which has eliminated their need to visit...