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Joe Keeper

Cocktail Los Angeles

The Bender: Bar Keeper owner Joe Keeper

Five days a week, you’ll find Joe Keeper behind the bar at Bar Keeper, his unique Sunset Junction shop that sells barware and propagates ritual. He’s also working on acquiring a liquor license, and...
Spirits Professional Los Angeles

Joe Keeper Reviews Square One Botanical

In preparation for the “Sporting Life”, the Los Angeles Bartender’s Guild one-year anniversary party, I have been receiving bottles of liquor from various distributors. I have tasted “Eden in a Bottle”. I have had...
Bar San Francisco

Joe Keeper’s San Francisco Bar Crawl: The Buena Vista

At The Buena Vista they get everything right. First off, there is no eating at the bar. This makes it easy to slip in past the hungry folk waiting for a table, pony up...
Restaurant San Francisco

Joe Keeper’s San Francisco Bar Crawl: Nopa

I often compare fine cocktails to fine sushi. A fine cocktail is exquisite and full of flavor nuances that explode on your pallet. The ingredients should be fresh, well prepared, and the whole is...
Bar Expert

Joe Keeper’s San Francisco Bar Crawl: Alembic

A great thing about San Francisco is that you can get an exceptional cocktail in the daytime. This might not seem like much until you’re home in Los Angeles looking for the same and...
Restaurant San Francisco

Joe Keeper’s San Francisco Bar Crawl: Absinthe

Retail is a bitch. I spend all year for those “magic” four weeks…basically Thanksgiving to Christmas…to make approximately 25% of my yearly income. Bar Keeper becomes less barware oriented and more gift shop oriented....