Interview: brewmaster Dave Logsdon (Logsdon Farmhouse Ales)

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  • Interview: brewmaster Dave Logsdon (Logsdon Farmhouse Ales)
Craft Beer Oregon

Tony Alcazar and Dave Logsdon talk (bottle) shop at The Bottle Room in Whittier.

Most Oregon craft beers don’t make it out of the state. One of few that make their way south come from Hood River, Oregon, and Logsdon Farmhouse Ales. I met Dave Logsdon at The Bottle Room in Whittier during L.A. Beer Week and then after Great American Beer Festival he e-mailed answers to my questions.

What is it like to walk up on stage and get the GABF medal?

Definitely better than not going up. You know, you don’t ever hear, “Sorry you didn’t get a medal,” if you don’t win anything. So it is a humbling feeling.

Is there anybody who mentored you along the way? If so, what did they teach you that was so valuable?

I was really self-taught when it came to brewing. Probably my college professor that encouraged me “to not hide your lantern under a bushel basket.” What he meant was to let your skills shine onto the world.

What was the first beer you ever brewed, and how did it turn out?

It was a stout, I thought was ok. My Dad never tasted anything besides a lager beer said, ” It ain’t beer, but it ain’t bad.”

What’s the criteria for a beer that you brew at your brewery? What does a beer have to be?

I brew certified organic beer. I brew beer for flavor. Beers I brew need to be balanced.

What’s your top selling beer, and why do you think that’s the case?

Seizoen Bretta is our top selling beer now. It is a GABF 2012 gold medal winning beer in the Am. Brett Ale category. It has great flavor and great balance.

How do you go about naming your beers?

We brew Belgian influenced beers and most of our beer names have a Flemish twist to them. Kili Wit was brewed for a non-profit foundation and we give some of the proceeds for medical care of African children.

What was the most recent beer that you brewed, and what was your inspiration and approach?

It is a collaboration beer with Bison Brewing. The collaboration was the inspiration. They make a Chocolate stout, and we brewed that beer with our yeast including brett.

How are you able to maintain balance in your life, if you’re even able to?

Sometimes you just have to walk away from it all, even if it is for a short period of time. If “I’m not enjoying what I am doing, it is not worth it.

What beers stood out at GABF for you this year?

I enjoyed a few of the sour ones I tasted, and some, not so much.


Sean Inman

Find more of Sean Inman’s writing on his blog, Beer Search Party.

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