All Posts By

Matthew Kaner

Wine Expert Los Angeles

Organic Farming vs Organic Wine

Organic is definitely the buzz word of the 2000s. Given the option, I bet at least 5 out of 10 people will buy an organic product over one that is not deemed organic. With...
Wine Trader Joe's

Do You Think Charles Shaw likes Gin or Vodka Martinis?

Who is Charles Shaw, anyway?! Two Buck Chuck. Nice. I remember how it only cost $24 in college for a case of wine, I can’t tell you how the wine tasted. It’s fun to...
Wine Expert Los Angeles

Introducing Matthew Kaner’s Week In Drink

Since I was a kid I’ve been obsessed with smelling and tasting. I always smelled every bit of food before I put it in my mouth. I’m very aware of scent. In 2005 my...