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Connie Cossio

Restaurant Sign Los Angeles

Coni’Seafood: Showcasing Mexican Seafood in Inglewood

The Cossio family saga seemingly has more twists and turns than a Southern Gothic novel, and it’s probably best to leave plot analysis to my friend Bill Esparza of Street Gourmet LA, who turned...
Mexican Food Los Angeles

Coni’Seafood Langostinos

One of the distinguishing dishes at Coni’Seafood is the pescado zarandeado, a massive butterflied snook that’s marinated and grilled. Most tables attempt to tame Sinaloa-born chef Sergio Penuelas’ flaky sea beast. However, there are...
Chefs Los Angeles

Getting Selective with 12 Los Angeles Chefs and Restaurateurs

I recently spoke with 12 Los Angeles chefs and restaurateurs at An Evening on the Beach, LA Street Food Fest, and out in the field and asked, “If people could try only one of...
Chef Los Angeles

Playing Favorites with 13 Los Angeles Chefs and Restaurateurs

I recently spoke with 13 Los Angeles chefs and restaurateurs at An Evening on the Beach, LA Street Food Fest, and out in the field, and they answered several questions, including: What’s your favorite...