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Craft Beer San Diego

(Beer) Class is in Session

If you are itching to get back into the classroom and you want to expand your craft beer knowledge then you should check out the new UCLA Extension course in craft beer that starts...
Beer Festival Los Angeles

L.A. Vegan Beer & Food Festival Takes Over the Rose Bowl

Three years ago, an event that started in a parking lot with only three breweries and a couple of food trucks has now grown to 80 total vendors and moved to the Rose Bowl...
Breweries Orange County

10 Great Orange County Beer Destinations

Attempting to shoehorn only 10 stops into a must-see Orange County craft beer itinerary is next to impossible. Especially considering past Los Angeles County lists where everything was broken down into manageable neighborhoods like...
Top 10 California

2014 10 Best California Beers

Best Of lists are notorious for being a bit marshmallow fluff (my trademark in case some adventurous brewer wishes to brew a beer by that name), but I hope to use this space to...
Top 10 California

10 Great California Smoke Beers

The German name is Rauch. In English it can mean to reek or fume, but for craft beer purposes, the word we are looking for is Smoke.  Sometimes that smoke is a background note and...
Beer Ingredient

Hopslist: Helping You Make Sense of All the Bitterness

The craft beer world is awash in bitterness.  Hops are red hot and the passion does not seem to die down.  IPAs still sell like mad and now other styles are getting hoppy too,...