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Garden Grove

Restaurant Logo Orange County

Pho Dakao: Vietnamese Chicken Specialist in Little Saigon

Pho is so prevalent in Little Saigon that OC Weekly’s Stick a Fork in It blog devotes an annual college basketball-style elimination bracket to the Vietnamese noodle soup, which they call Final Pho. Most...
Vietnamese Restaurant Sign Orange County

Huong Vy: Tweaking Central Vietnamese Classics in Westminster

It’s probably a good thing that the sesame roasted goat shop was closed for the night. Otherwise, I may never have continued across the parking lot into our intended destination, Huong Vy. Quoc Phan...
Vietnamese Restaurant Sign Orange County

Tay Thuong: Making Vietnamese Waves in Little Saigon [CLOSED]

As soon as we entered Tay Thuong and saw the wavy green and white DNA helix pattern on the walls, it became instantly obvious that we’d been there before. No other restaurant would replicate...
Restaurant Orange County

Hue Oi: Central Vietnamese Gems in Little Saigon

It’s never been a better time to eat in Little Saigon, the confluence of Garden Grove, Westminster, Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley, an area with the highest concentration of Vietnamese people outside of their...
Thai Restaurant Orange County

Thai Nakorn: Rising From the Ashes in Garden Grove

Los Angeles hosts a handful of superlative Thai restaurants, and Little Saigon features dozens of compelling Vietnamese restaurants, so the idea of driving to the latter to eat the former didn’t quite compute. However,...
Thai Food Orange County

Thai Nakorn Stuffed Squid

Orange County eating maven Dave Lieberman (OC Weekly ) said he must have eaten at Thai Nakorn 100 times, so he proceeded to order a table full of his favorite dishes, including plump Thai...