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San Gabriel

Restaurant Sign Los Angeles

Nanjing Kitchen: Raiding This Fridge May Result in Quacking [MOVED]

The neon duck leaves little doubt what to order inside Nanjing Kitchen, Jean Chen’s Spartan San Gabriel café where she limits décor to white walls punctuated with a red checkerboard pattern. Since 2002, she’s...
Restaurant Los Angeles

Luscious Dumplings Inc.: The Name Nearly Says It All [MOVED]

Alan Lam lived in San Gabriel for 15 years before deciding to open a Chinese restaurant in town with wife Grace. According to son Eric Lam, who runs front of the house at Luscious...
Vietnamese Restaurant Los Angeles

Phong Dinh: Eating Noah’s Ark in San Gabriel [CLOSED]

Phong Dinh’s plain exterior doesn’t reveal its exotic nature. The restaurant might be known for giant baked catfish, but there are also whole menu sections devoted to squab, quail, ostrich, rabbit, venison, Australian kangaroo,...
Restaurant San Gabriel

Wow Dumpling House: Second Level San Gabriel Destination [CLOSED]

Our backs were to the wall, literally. There were 50 of them, and only two of us. Armed only with breakaway wooden chopsticks, it wasn’t looking good for my friend Bryan and I. One...