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Beer Festival Oregon

Alternative Beer Festivals, Lo-Cal IPAs + Getting Hop-adelic

The 2020 iteration of the L.A. IPA Festival landed on Leap Day this year. People judged 60 IPAs. This month Yorkshire Square Brewery hosts their annual N’Owt but Stout Festival where the darker style...
Brewery Book

The Widmer Way, Classic L.A. Beers + Beachwood BBQ Turns 12

As craft beer turns the calendar, shortly, on 2018, it is instructive to go back in time to learn the history that this industry is accumulating. The Widmer Way by writer/beer blogger/beer podcaster Jeff...
Pizza And Beer Los Angeles

Craft Beer and Artisan Pizza

Pizza and beer. It conjures up a certain image in one’s mind of empties. Pizza boxes and crumpled cans. But if you walk into any one of the Pitfire Pizza locations across the Southland,...