On “Game of Thrones,” Westeros consists of seven kingdoms, but The North and The Vale have nothing on San Francisco. That’s where you’ll find Kingdom of Dumpling, a Chinese restaurant from David Li in...
San Francisco’s Inner Richmond has far surpassed Chinatown for Chinese culinary treasures at this point. 2012 saw the rise of Chili House, a Sichuan style restaurant from Li Jun Han, who owns spicy sister...
Tartine Manufactory is the most ambitious offshoot of San Francisco’s famed Tartine Bakery from chef/partners Chad Robertson and Elisabeth Prueitt in a 102-year-old building that also houses Heath Ceramics. Given the duo’s track record,...
Monkey bread is the buttery, pull apart Franken-bread of the food world, with fluffy dough balls frequently fused together with sugar and cinnamon. At Corridor, the glass and steel restaurant from Hi Neighbor Hospitality...
It’s good to know that food can still surprise us. During a recent dineL.A. Restaurant Week preview dinner at Providence, an aspirational restaurant from chef Michael Cimarusti and front of house partner Donato Poto,...
Spoiler alert: there is no David Rio. Instead, a company called David Rio dates to 1996, when Rio Miura and Scott Lowe debuted a company inspired by India’s chai wallahs, who bolster black tea...